What is CURL?

canca13年前 (2011-03-28)PHP239

CURL is a PHP extension that allows you to fetch contents of remote files, do post requests, get requests and a lot more.

Setting up CURL extension in php on IIS

Installing CURL in three easy steps on IIS
For an ISAPI Setup
Step 1:
Copy libeay32.dll from your PHP directory to the c:\windows\system32 directory
Copy ssleay32.dll from your PHP directory to the c:\windows\system32 directory
Make sure to set the permissions on both files so that IUSER_MACHINENAME can acess them

Step 2:
Open your php.ini
Change to

If that line does not exist just add after other extensions.

Step 3:
When running IIS in ISAPI you will need to do a quick restart of the web server service in order for any changes to the php.ini to take affect.



1、把PHP-5.2 zip 解压放到 C:\php (你可以选择目录,本例以此说明)。2、将php.ini-dist复制到 C:\WINDOWS 目录下并改名为php.ini,复制 php5ts.d...


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